In 2012 we received from NASA an order for
6 new models of International Space Station. NASA requested to
modify our current model so it will reflect the latest changes
and additions to ISS and depict the most current and updated
The most significant changes made to the model were:
- A replica of Alfa Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-2) was added;
- Stowage and logistics platforms (ESP, ELC) were reconfigured
due to adding the AMS-2
- Each platform was outfitted with the exact payload assigned to
it (earlier the platforms were depicting a generic uniform
- Cupola and PMA-2 were made into separate elements with
individual magnetic connection;
- Both PMA-2 and PMA-3 received NDA docking adapters, also made
as separate elements with individual magnetic connection;
- A replica of 50 ft long Enhanced Integrated Boom Assembly was
- A replica of Russian Docking Node was added as a separate
element with individual magnetic connection. Each docking port
of the Docking Node is equipped with a magnet to be able to
accommodate a spaceship's replica;
- CETA carts were added as separate elements to compliment the
Mobile Remote Servicer Base.
- A second dish antenna on a straight bracket was added to Z-1
We also used this opportunity to upgrade further the model's
internal reinforcement system and replace a number of small
vulnerable elements, such as masts and Z1 antennas, with metal
made parts.
The foam lining in the transit cases for modified models was
adjusted accordingly to accommodate the models and new separate
Along with the order of 6 modified models for NASA we also
produced one model in luxury edition for CERN, which was shipped
to Geneva, Switzerland and receive excellent feedbacks for its
accuracy and versatility. |