
Quote request guidelines (Model's requirements)

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This article is to help you to confirm an informative, inclusive quote request for any type of model, replica, architectural model, master, prototype or prop / set for movie or TV. It is based on usual questions asked by customers, especially these who did not have an experience with scale models and other model making products before.

This article will help you to put together a most informative description of your desired product and include there all so called model's requirements. The better your desired product described in request for quote, the less questions we will be asking, which will allow you to receive fast and accurate quote for the model exactly as you need it and within your target budget, if possible.


Type and purpose

Let us know what type of model do you need - is it architectural model, scale replica, sculpture, toy, collectible, and such. Let us know a purpose of the model - presentation, museum, trade show, et cetera. Identification of the desired model's type and purpose is the first and very important step to understand your needs as each type of model carries specific set of requirements. Feel free to consult with our Classification of Scale Models if you feel confused in any way.


Scale is a main characteristic of model, whenever it is an architectural / urban model, scale replica or movie / TV set. Each scale has its resolution - the boundaries for level of detailing, which should be considered in order to select a scale which will allow to represent your design or subject in most effective way. In case of architectural model scale selection is vital as it should be allowing use of pre-manufactured scenic elements. As for prototypes of consumer products or props for film or TV, there is no need to determine a scale, as such products are life-size by default. Feel free to consult with our article about Scale and Scale Selection.


On some model making products, such as whimsical collectibles, sculptures and such, scale does not apply. In that case, let us know about a size of your desired product. Sometimes scale does apply, but customers are not sure about it. Also, let us know the target size of the model and we will recommend the best scale for it to make the model the most beneficiary and cost effective.
Describe the quantity of desired models if you need more than one or interested in producing multiples.

Level of Detailing

It is one of the most important model's requirements which affects the cost and production time. Feel free to consult with our Levels of Detailing article, it will help you to determine the one for your desired model and describe it the best.
Finish and color scheme
Let us know which type of finish and color scheme do you anticipate. In many cases finish/color hierarchy might be the best tool for focusing your audience's attention on key features while less important features painted and finished so to make them less dominant and to be fading to background.
Scenic elements

Scenic elements apply on architectural models and dioramas. They include people figurines, cars, trees, bushes, other accessories and give a sense of scale of the model, allowing to understand a size of objects and structures. Scenic elements also play an important role in making a model looking "alive". Let us know type, density, finish and colors of scenic elements which you would like to add to your model.

Use of cost effective, off-shelf scenic elements very much depends on scale selection. Feel free to consult with our article about Scale and Scale Selection to determine for your model a scale which will allow you to add high quality scenic elements in desired quantity and assortment.


Special requirements

Include cut-outs, look through areas, removable roofs and such. Mention and describe these features if it is a part of your requirements.


Include any articulation, movement of scenic elements, lights, sound, other special effects as well as interactive systems for museum and exhibit models. Some models have to be fabricated modular, so their elements can be rearranged during presentation. Mention and describe these features if it is a part of your requirements.

Optional features

Include displays, pedestals, clear protective walls and cases, as well as transit / carrying cases. Architectural, urban and museum models should be protected from touching at all times. Transit case is a must for exhibit, trade show or sales model which meant to travel frequently.

Visual Reference

Attach any visual reference which, you believe, will help us to understand your project and your needs. It might include drawings, renderings, illustrations, sketches and such. 3D reference today is very helpful to to obtain a "one-look" understanding of the project. Preferred formats for submitting visual reference are JPEG, PDF, E-Drawings or 3D model files compatible to SolidWorks.

If your files are too heavy to attach to e-mail, you might compress it in ZIP file and send it via It is safe and free to transfer up to 100 MB file .

External Reference
If you have visual reference or additional reference published on the Internet, please, add URLs of these pages. It is also always good to have URL of your main web site - it will help us to understand your field of expertise, philosophy, therefore, to understand better your needs and to come up with the best solution.
Let us know your deadline for model's submission.
Target Budget

It is vital question for providing you with valuable yet cost effective model. Unfortunately, many clients claim that they have no idea what their target budget is, which puts us into position to blindly compete with whoever will give a lower cost instead of finding the best solution which will serve a client's cost the best. Needless to say, that a race for lowest bidder might cause to award a project to low qualified model maker which, still, will charge you a few thousand of dollars, leaving you with low grade useless model. A number of our customers found themselves in such uncomfortable position. Knowing at least a broad range of customer's budgetary expectations, we will be able to find shortcuts which will allow us to provide professionally made model yet by budget friendly cost.

Projects published by Government is a perfect example of the right course. There is a budgetary limit described in each solicitation, which is one of the reasons that we are constantly winning Government jobs and earned a reputation of not only trusted and comprehensive, but also budget friendly provider.

By letting us know your budgetary expectations you allow us to find a way of serving you better. 

Your Contact Information
Please, do not forget to add your contact information so we could contact you to ask questions about your project or request additional reference.
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