
1:24 scale Model of the Kaaba


This is a museum model of the Kaaba - the central element of Al-Masjid Al-Harām Mosque in Mecca, the most sacred place in Islam. The model represents the Kaaba not as it looks today, but as it looked hundreds of years ago. The model features a wooden door, a simple off-white fabric cover and a replica of the "Black Stone" encased in silver. There is a replica of the Hatim - a semi-circular wall with working lights. Also the model features the "Station of Abraham" - footsteps of Abraham encased in silver. The reference material was scarce, which made the research and restoration of the ancient look of the Kaaba so challenging and exciting. It is perhaps the only model in existence representing the Kaaba in such an early stage.


completed model

Photographing: Creative Photography By Maya exclusively for Gamla Model Makers

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